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Sunday, 23 July


The Revolt of the Pawns "IndyWatch Feed Asia"

Last week I revealed how the would-be rulers of the world see the grand struggle for geopolitical dominance as a type of chess game and how people around the globe (including the mujahideen in Afghanistan) are treated as mere pawns in that game, to be used, abused and sacrificed in pursuit of the grandmasters' aims. This week I will examine the growing awareness of that game and what it looks like when the pawns start to strike back.

The post The Revolt of the Pawns first appeared on The Corbett Report.


'Most dangerous moment in world politics': US, China heading for conflict, and it's not clear whether it's avoidable - Orban "IndyWatch Feed World"

The United States' global standing is declining and the country is heading for a clash with China, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday, adding that "the million dollar question" is whether this clash can be avoided. "We are now seeing that America's dominance on the world stage is constantly shrinking... We are now living through the most dangerous moments in world politics, when the number one world power sees that it is slipping into second place... We are moving toward a clash day by day. The million dollar question is whether it is possible to avoid a collision," Orban said in the Romanian city of Baile Tusnad, as aired by the local broadcaster.


Rain fury: Floods batter North Indian states - nearly a foot of rain in 14 hours recorded "IndyWatch Feed World"

North Indian states are reeling under severe monsoon mayhem as roads are flooded, rivers are flowing over the danger mark, and waterlogging is hindering all kinds of commute leaving residents helpless. After wreaking havoc in the hill states of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, heavy showers in Maharashtra, and Gujarat have created a flood-like situation in the two states. Meanwhile, a cloudburst in Ladakh and a fresh spell of rain in Uttarakhand have raised the threat of a rise in the water level again in Delhi which has witnessed the worst flooding since 1978. Here are the latest updates on monsoon fury from across the country: Top Points Gujarat Torrential rain has led to a flood-like situation in parts of Gujarat that has submerged the low-lying areas in the state. Heavy to very heavy rains lashed several districts in Gujarat's south and Saurashtra regions on Saturday, reported PTI. The showers have triggered a flood-like situation in urban areas as water levels rise in dams...


Ro Khanna: The Silicon Valley 'progressive' pushing closer US ties to Modi's India "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ro Khanna: The Silicon Valley 'progressive' pushing closer US ties to Modi's India

US Congressman Ro Khanna arrives for an official State Dinner on 22 June 2023 in honour of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (AFP)
Azad Essa Sun, 07/23/2023 - 11:36
The Indian American congressman says he has a duty to reject Hindu nationalism. But does his record stand up to scrutiny?

When India was subject to intense international scrutiny following Narendra Modi's decision to annex Indian-controlled Kashmir in late August 2019, an article in The Caravan, India's premier long-form magazine, began doing the rounds on social media.

The long read, written by activist Pieter Friedrich, detailed the role of the Hindu nationalist lobby in American politics, and focused on then-Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.

Friedrich forensically outlined how the Hindu right-wing paramilitary organisation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), had funded Gabbard in exchange for helping rehabilitate Modi's image in the United States.

But it wasn't just the article that caught the attention of South Asian Americans.

Instead, it was the unprompted interjection by an Indian American lawmaker from California.

"Important article," tweeted Congressman Ro Khanna from the 17th district in California, widely known as Sil...


Retired Four-Star General McChrystal Claims Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing was Perpetrated by the United States "IndyWatch Feed War"

Jim Holt The Gateway Pundit July 22, 2023

Retired four-star General Stanley A. McChrystal, who was removed from his command by Barack Obama following critical comments on his administration, has made explosive comments suggesting that the United States was behind the Nord Stream pipeline bombing, in a covertly recorded conversation obtained by Valuetainment Media.

The decorated general, known for his command of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the mid-2000s and later for his role as Commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, voiced these speculations during a seemingly impromptu conversation that was secretly recorded and subsequently leaked.

The clip begins with McChrystal discussing Russia and its leadership.

Theres no obvious better solution than Russia. I think Putin ought to go, but theres nobody that Im aware of standing on the wings, the general said.

In the short conversation, a man is heard asking McChrystal for his opinion on the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline that took place earlier last year.

McChrystals response implied that he and his son, who worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), didnt believe the Russians or the Ukrainians were responsible, as many had initially suspected.

Instead, he proposed that the bombing might have been in the interests of global natural gas producers the United States being chief among them.

My son is the leader of the in energy team at DIA, said McChrystal.

He didnt think that the Russians did it He didnt think that the Ukrainians did it either, he added.

There are people who benefited from it, and that was people who produced natural gas around the world, said McChrystal.

He then dropped a bombshell, implying a potential U.S. role in the attack.

So if you really want to get conspiracies, the United States made more money off that deal than anybody else. But yeah, but thats because we were huge beneficiaries, and we changed our policy. We started providing liquid natural gas overseas and, you know, he said.

Iranian-American entrepreneur and podcaster Patrick Bet-David reached out to General McChrystal for a comment but has not heard back.

PBD discussed this new revelation from the four-star general on his show.


UK Covid-1984 | How can these celebrity jab fanatics live with themselves? "IndyWatch Feed War"

UK Covid-1984 Part 1 The Fear:

UK Covid-1984 Step 2-The Lockdown:

UK Covid 1984 Step 3 Get that Jab:

UK Covid 1984 Step 4 The Unvaccinated:

By James Rogers | TCW Defending Freedom | July 21, 2023

It is quite difficult to believe that the actuality included really did come from 2021, and was not compiled from footage from 1938. Nor is it (except for a short clip with John Hurt from the film 1984) from a film based on fiction. What I saw were not actors but politicians, public servants, broadcasters and the public. And yes, these people  Esther Rantzen, Iain Dale, Tony Blair, Edwina Currie, Boris Johnson, Nick Ferrari, Jonathan Van-Tam, Jeremy Vine and Andrew Neil  really did say and write these things.

What on earth made them so certain, so bombastically sure, so early on? What gave them the right to inflict fear on the nation? Such craven irresponsibility. In the age of safetyism, was there a risk assessment relating to the forcing of an untested chemical on people before they so firmly exhorted getting jabbed? One wonders if they took legal advice what might happen if somebody issues a writ against LBC, the station Nick Ferrari broadca...


Why Academia Cannot Forecast Anything "IndyWatch Feed World"


COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have been impressed by your Economic Confidence Model. You said there would be no recession until after 2024. You were really the only one who said that. Now Bloomberg reported that the forecasters who were first out of the box to predict a US recession are now hedging their bets. They mention Deutsche Bank Vice Chair of Research Peter Hooper and Fannie Mae chief economist Doug Duncan. However, Nomura Securities International senior economist Aichi Amemiya still says a recession is coming, but its getting to be a close call.

Not one of the significant houses seems ever to get it right. I just wanted to say your model shines a light on the whole analysis field. I cant wait for your Geometry of Time.


REPLY:  Thank you. It has been a most interesting experience. As I said, this is something I bumped into. I did not go looking for such a model. It was something that found me, as many say it was my destiny, even growing up in a house with the address of 314 South Lippincott Ave, in Maple Shade, New Jersey.


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Saturday, 22 July


Victory City "IndyWatch Feed Economics"

In the upper deccan of India lies Hampi, today just a village and ancient ruins but once the seat of the Vijayanagara Empire which ruled most of South India from 1336 to 1565. The Vijayanagara Empire was the last big Hindu empire in India before the Mughals and then the British took over, so it holds a special place of admiration and wistful longing among many Indians. The glory of the empire is attested to by foreign visitors. Will Durant writes:

The capital, founded in 1336, was probably the richest city that India had yet known. Nicolo Conti, visiting it about 1420, estimated its circumference at sixty miles; Paes pronounced it as large as Rome, and very beautiful to the sight. There were, he added, many groves of trees within it, and many conduits of water; for its engineers had constructed a huge dam in the Tungabadra River, and had formed a reservoir from which water was conveyed to the city by an aqueduct fifteen miles long, cut for several miles out of the solid rock. Abdu-r Razzak, who saw the city in 1443, reported it as such that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, of any place resembling it upon the whole earth. Paes considered it the best-provided city in the world, .. for in this one everything abounds. The houses, he tells us, numbered over a hundred thousand-implying a population of half a million souls. He marvels at a palace in which one room was built entirely of ivory; it is so rich and beautiful that you would hardly find anywhere another such.

The Vijayanagara Empire and its capitol are the subject of Salman Rushdies latest novel, Victory City. The conceit of Victory City is that its told through the life of a demi-god, Pampa Kampana, who literally breathes life into the city and lives through its 229 year history. Its a fine story, although not one of Rushdies best. Wordplay is kept to a minimum which makes it more accessible but less challenging. As the subject is the city, the characters fade somewhat into the background leaving less at stake. Vijayanagara was a commercial city, open to people of all faiths, but Rushdie also feels the need to insert into the narrative 21st century notions of gender equality which stick out like a sore thumb.

Still, if you were planning to visit Hampi (a short flight from Bangalore),...


Keine Alternative "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bald die viertgrte Volkswirtschaft der Welt

konomen sehen fr den Ausbau der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu Indien, den Deutschland und die EU anstreben, grundstzlich einiges Potenzial. Die indische Wirtschaft wchst rasch, in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich um rund sechs Prozent; Indien ist krzlich zum Land mit der fnftgrten Wirtschaftsleistung der Welt vor der ehemaligen Kolonialmacht Grobritannien aufgestiegen und wird vermutlich schon in wenigen Jahren Deutschland vom Platz der viertgrten Volkswirtschaft der Welt verdrngen. Prognosen aus der Finanzbranche zufolge, etwa von Goldman Sachs, knnte Indien im Jahr 2075 in absoluten Dollarwerten zur zweitgrten Wirtschaftsmacht weltweit hinter China und vor den USA aufgestiegen sein; berechnet man die Wirtschaftsleistung nach Kaufkraftparitt, wre dies wohl schon erheblich frher der Fall.[1] Allein schon sein Marktvolumen macht das Land prinzipiell fr deutsche Unternehmen interessant. Der deutsch-indische Handel ist zuletzt von 23,3 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2021 auf fast 30 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2022 gestiegen. Auch die Investitionen nehmen wieder zu; zuletzt steckten etwa SAP 55 Millionen Euro und Siemens Healthineers 160 Millionen Euro in den Ausbau ihrer Standorte im sdindischen Bengaluru, einer elf Millionen Einwohner starken Metropole, die wegen ihrer boomenden IT-Branche als Indiens Silicon Valley gilt.

Auenwirtschaftlich im Abseits

Um dem Handel mit Indien einen Schub zu verpassen, dringt die Bundesregierung energisch darauf, ein Freihandelsabkommen der EU mit dem Land unter Dach und Fach zu bringen. Verhandlungen darber wurden bereits 2007 gestartet, zogen sich dann aber in die Lnge und wurden 2013 vorlufig eingestellt. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden sie wieder aufgenommen. Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck hat am gestrigen Donnerstag in New Delhi Gesprche darber gefhrt. Im Februar wies die Berliner Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) darauf hin, dass Indien weder der asiatischen Freihandelszone RCEP noch dem transpazifischen Freihandelsbndnis CPTPP angehrt, also in Asien auenwirtschaftlich im Abseits steht ein Nachteil im Standortwettbewerb um neue Industrieansiedlungen.[2] Dadurch unter Druck geratend, hat es mittlerweile seine Bemhungen um den Abschluss neuer Freihandelsabkommen gesteigert. 2021 wurde eines mit Mauritius, 2022 eines mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten geschlossen; weitere mit dem Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC, Zusammenschluss der arabischen Golfstaaten), Israel, Grobritannien sowie Kanada sind in Arbeit. Damit ergeben sich auch fr die EU neue Chancen. Freilich warnt die SWP, man knne mit gutem Grund skeptisch sein, ob sich die divergierenden Interessen beider Seiten bezglich Marktffnung, Liberalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in Einklang bringen lieen.

Die Probleme des Indiengeschfts

Auch jenseits der Debatte um das Freihandelsabkommen sind aus der deutschen Wirtschaft schon seit je du...

Friday, 21 July


Seven killed in Bhutan as floods wash away part of hydropower plant "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least seven people were killed and 16 others missing in Bhutan after flash floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains washed away a section of a small hydroelectric plant on Thursday, local media reported. Rescue and search teams have rushed to the area, authorities said. Prime Minister Lotay Tshering has arrived at the site and is taking stock of the situation and guiding rescue and search operation, his office said. A section of the 32 MW Yungichhu Hydro Power Project in a remote area in the east of the country was washed away, but the main part was not hit, the Bhutanese newspaper said in a Twitter post without elaborating. State broadcaster BBS said seven bodies have been recovered so far and another 16 were missing.


India's ban on rice exports to curb soaring domestic inflation threatens to exacerbate rising global food prices "IndyWatch Feed World"

India has banned non-basmati white rice exports to curb domestic inflation, raising fears of further increases in global food prices just days after wheat and corn prices were sent climbing by Russia's termination of a key grain deal. The immediate ban, introduced after heavy rains hit domestic crops, follows the failure of a 20% duty on international exports introduced in September to curb foreign demand, which has soared after extreme climate conditions hit production in countries. Comment: Due to overwhelming government incompetence and corruption, in addition to an increasingly erratic climate, food prices everywhere are soaring, and, in turn, the majority of nations will, for fear of societal upheaval, need to focus on feeding their own - as we see in the case of India here, but also elsewhere, such as in China - and this will likely only push prices to higher, as well as worsen the burgeoning food shortages. India is the world's largest rice exporter, accounting for more than...


Arak Al Sharm**** Courtesy of a Lebanese Street Food Place in India "IndyWatch Feed World"

Theres a Lebanese street food place in Goa, India called Habibi that prides itself as being the creator of the Sharmouta wrap . The wrap in question consists of Zaatar, Labneh and Falafel with fresh vegetables, which is not that shocking of a mix to be honest. What caught my attention though was how the menu spells Zaatar as Zaater and Labne as Labane or Labna, and more specifically another item on the menu called the 420 Chicken Shawarma; I wonder whats in that mix.

Habibi also has its own Arak, dubbed Arak Al Sharmouta with the slogan And they drank happily ever after. Ive never heard of Arak making in India but Im intrigued to try it out. Worse case, if it tastes bad, the bottle is one of a kind thats for sure .


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