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ConflictWatch War in Pakistan Feed was generated at Central Asia ConflictWatch.

Thursday, 20 July


Future Of Oil Demand Is Brighter Than Youve Been Told "IndyWatch Feed World"

These charts really tell the story rather well.  The convenience of oil and natural gas will maintain market share even in the face of zero cost electrical power.  The advent of the EV shill shift a portion of that energy demand to electrical which will drive major adjustments globally.

right now though, natural gas is ideal for heating homes while all that transitions to more effciency and geothermal.  Geothermal is also a backup for necessary grid power..  And so far it looks like the EV crowd is drawing off peak power from that same grid which is excellent sense.  Making the Grid efficent is literally free power.

My point though is that oil is necessary because electrical is not nearly as convenient and that applies to just about everything else.  I expect the EV time when the last twenty percent of the global population exits poverty.

Today i can watch a punjabi farm boy crank up hist tractor to do something stupid.  I was that boy in 1955.  today two thirds of our global population can do all this for a can of diesel fuel.  No one is going back to using a bullock..

We will likely keep using oil in particular forever even if a super battery comes along just because it is easy and convenient.  We are slowly reducing coal here because we have natural gas.  Anywhere else not so lucky.

Again the highest and best use of nuclear just happens to be as a heat engine and a static one at that.  Geothermal is also static and all this takes wasyteful power conversion.

We can build static cooling tower like stacks to produce grid powert, but no one has done this yet.  Same is true for fusion energy.  The best skips the hest engine.

The take home tnough is that we will all be electrified at least and Evs will move us about.  everything else can be solved in multiple ways.  imagine giant airships taking containers point to point folks.  Two handling steps and even at 60 mp...

Wednesday, 19 July


Tuesday assorted links "IndyWatch Feed Economics"

1. Inside the underbelly of Karachi.

2. My glimpsed personal highlight of the conference was spotting Tyler Cowen and Ian Leslie discuss the Beatles and have 2 minutes listening in to them.  Benjamin Yeoh on the Civic Future Progress Summit.

3. Maxwell Tabarrok on NSF > NIH during the Covid crisis.

4. Ch

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ConflictWatch War in Pakistan Feed was generated at Central Asia ConflictWatch.

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